CAE Case Studies

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) for Ladle Turret Assembly Structure:

Client, a steel conglomerate, wanted to move the ladle turret weighing 250 Tons from second floor to ground floor for maintenance. For this, the entire Ladle Turret Assembly with lifting and support Structures and transfer mechanism was required to be analyzed for the given load conditions. PARAM CAD Team successfully executed the FEA Analysis and provided the client with suggestions to improve design to ensure that the entire maintenance exercise was done smoothly.

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) for Steel Pallet Design:

Client wanted to design a new Pallet for material transfer in their plant and wished to optimise designs before proceeding with manufacture. This need was arisen due to product change in the plant. PARAM Team successfully executed the FEA Analysis and provided the client with optimized pallet designs.

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